All donations support the following Zee Foundation initiatives:

Ensure an education.

Zee Foundation ensures access, retention and completeness to education. Our approach lies in addressing the underlying causes of adolescent school dropouts among under-privileged children. 

Your donation will:

• Cover school tuition, school materials and examination fees.

• Provide vocational and apprenticeship skills training.

• Ensure opportunities for growth, development and self-reliance.

Help our disabled kids.

Zee Foundation promotes care and support services to disabled children and their families. This helps them overcome the stigma and discrimination surrounding disability among their families and communities.

Your donation will:

• Provide physical access for disabled kids.

• Provide disability education services for kids and their families.

Provide services for the entire community.

Zee Foundation empowers community members with accurate information about the health and economic well-being of the children and their families.

Your donation will:

• Help to increase awareness of children nutrition, food security, and farming.

• Educate the community about the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents, including HIV safety

• Promote hygiene and sanitation in the community.